Open-source, plug & play electronics toolkit for learning Arduino platform
Online course created by Sanjin Dedi?
Welcome to the world of electronics and programming!
DFRobot proudly presents the Arduino Zero to Hero E-learning Kit which comes complete with an online course created by a well-known Australian Robotics Engineer and Teacher: Sanjin Dedi?. The online course is perfect for ambitious beginners and intermediate Arduino users trying to take their circuitry and programming to the next level. See video preview and tutorial list below:
Redeem The course:
1.Go to " "
2.Enter your this code: XXXX_XXXX to for free access
Tutorial Content List:
2. PotentiometerLED Control
3. SimpleCurrent Amplifier
4. DarlingtonBridge Current Amplifier
5. Glowin the Dark Circuit
6. AndLogic Gate
7. OrLogic Gate
8. NOTLogic Gate
9. LEDBlink Rate Investigation
10. UsingRandom To Select LED’s Control Delays
11. ProgrammingInput / Output with Push Buttons
12. AnalogInput Demonstrations with Voltage Dividers
13. Photodiodesand LDR in Voltage Divider Light Sensing Circuits
14. ArduinoLight Theremin
15. LM35 Temperature Sensor with Graph Plotting
16. MaxwellColour Wheel with RGB LED
17. RGBLED Colour Mixer with 3 Potentiometers
18. MicrophoneClap Switch
19. MicrophoneCalibrated Double Clap Switch
20. Sound/ Music Reacting Circuit
21. ButtonControlled Frequency Generator
22. PianoCircuit with 4 Tones
23. SoundEffects Generator (Fibonacci, Space Guns etc…)
24. TemperaturePlotting Program
25. 7Segment Display Circuit
26. 7Segment Guess The Number Game
27. ReactionTime Measuring Circuit (using LED and Sound Triggers)
28. CreatingArrays to Store Reaction Time Results
29. SavingReaction Time Results to SD Card
30. Plottingthe SD Card Results in Excel
31. MemoryTraining Game
32. InfraredRemote Control Circuit
33. InfraredRemote Controlling a Speaker and LED Panel
34. ReadingAccelerometer and Gyroscope Values
35. ConnectingArduino to Processing
36. ControlLED’s via Computer Mouse (using Processing)
37. VisualisingGyroscope and Accelerometer Values (using Processing)
Microcontroller: DFRduino UNO R3Power Supply: 5V USB PowerDimension: 220cm * 165cm * 65 cmWeight: 300g|Documents|
Robotix Education Website Udemy E-learning Website|ShippingList|
DFRduino UNO R3 x1USB Cable A-B x1Jumper Cables M/M x30Jumper Cables F/M x10Resistor 220R x20Resistor 4.7K x20Resistor 10K x20Resistor 1K x205mm LED x10IR Receiver Diode x1Mini Push Button x4PT5I850AC Ambient Light Sensor x1GL5528 Ambient Light Sensor x12N3904 Transistor x1Tilt Switch Sensor x18-Segment LED x1LM35 Temperature Sensor x1Buzzer x110K Potentiometer x3Mini Controller (with battery CR2025 inside) x1400 Tie Point Interlocking Solderless Breadboard x1Acrylic breadboard holder for Arduino x1Gravity IO Expansion Shield for Arduino V7.1 x1Gravity: Analog Sound sensor for Arduino x1Gravity: Digital Speaker Module x1Gravity: Digital PIR (Motion) Sensor for Arduino x16 DOF Sensor - MPU6050 x1MicroSD card module for Arduino x1