MindKits 3D FREE Resources

Getting started with 3D Printing - for teachers

Last year PrintLab released their Teacher’s Guide to assist educators getting started with 3D printing. They were overwhelmed with positive comments from the guide and as promised they have continued to improve this resource. Today we are happy to announce that the first revision is complete and includes a range of new sections and use cases.

Here is the contents of our new Teacher’s Guide:

1. What is 3D Printing?
2. Industry Uses & Benefits
3. Common Types of 3D Printers
4. Free 3D Modelling Software
5. Why 3D Printing in the Classroom?
6. 3D Printing by Subject
7. The Challenges
8. An Educator’s Journey
9. Step 1: Learning
10. Step 2: Getting Hands-On - 3D Printing
11. Step 2: Getting Hands-On - 3D Scanning
12. Step 3: Planning
13. Step 4: Teaching
14. Step 5: Developing
15. Step 6: Growing
16. Use Case: St Andrew’s College - NZ
17. Use Case: Kideville Curriculum in the UAE
18. Use Case: Functional 3D Printing
19. Use Case: 3D Scanning for Product Design
20. Free Lesson: Make a 3D Contour Model
21. Free Guide: Logo to 3D Print